I’m already in nesting mode, and I think it’s because my house is little more dirty since the kids are home during the summer. One week we did crafts everyday and my kitchen table was a mess of glue, paper scraps, scissors and glitter dust. I didn’t want to put anything back in the craft closet because it was VERY disorganized. Wish I took pictures. Actually I take that back…glad I didn’t take pictures. You’ve probably seen one of those commercials where the salesperson opens up the closet and everything falls out. Well, that was my craft closet. But I went through and sorted, boxed and labeled. Now I love opening up a clean, organized closet.
Please…bear with me on the pictures. For those who might not know, my camera is in the shop and should arrive home any day now. So, in the meantime I’ve been using my iPhone and these pictures are dark since the craft closet is in the basement and we have mice-hole windows.
The tupperware with latches are from Target and they are the best and keep the tops on well. Click here of places to buy labels.

Then I moved the children’s table upstairs in my sunroom/studio. So when I’m working, they can be working too.
The post Organizing my Disorganized House appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.