Favorite Kitchen Items I am Loving Right Now

The beginning of the year is when I love to stock up on cleaning items and do a refresh on my kitchen. New cutting boards, soap dispensers and candles are a few things I am loving right now. After taking down Christmas, the house is all clean and looking bare. It’s a great way to restock. Here are a few of my favorite kitchen items I have recently purchased.

New kitchen cleaning items my jam! Makes nightly clean up easy. I love my little metal dispenser that holds my dish scrubber. It got it in the rose gold. I’ve been putting my dish soap in a big amber glass soap dispenser. When I run out, I just refill the bottle with my favorite dish soap. And I picked up a few natural bristle brushed and scrub pads also.

I love to keep out a little station of our most used items in the home. A cutting board or trivet work to nicely display the items. I like to keep my oil and vinegar out, salt and pepper shaker along with a honey jar and butter dish. Store everything you want to display in pretty jars, but make sure you don’t clutter up your counters by putting too much out. Keep it classy and organized. We are big tea drinkers so I love a stylish tea kettle that I keep out on the stove. We use it daily!
Other items to consider is a house plant or a frame vintage picture to add some color and visual texture. I also love to have a kitchen candle that I like to burn in the evenings and of course fresh flowers!

Here are some other kitchen posts you may like:
The post Favorite Kitchen Items appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.