Good morning my darling readers! Happy June to You!
New month. New day. Summer is around the corner. And the weather is getting me excited. So, with that said it’s time for me to come out of the closet. Because the evidence is surfacing. And people are questioning. I can not hide anymore that baby number four is on its way.
Yes, that’s right I’m pregnant. Back to changing nappies, no sleep and endlessly reading annual reviews of the best baby products. Due the first of December. And this is it! Fourth and final. And I’m completely at peace with it and actually excited to be done. I’m excited to be over this baby-making stage and to move on to a new chapter of motherhood. After I had Jackson, the feeling of completion was not there. I knew there was another little spirit that needed to come down to our family. Eventhough I wanted to shut the door to the thought of being large and pregnant again, I couldn’t (and had to have many talks of convincing my husband about it). But now, I know I’m done having kids. That completion feeling is definitely there, eventhough I still have a way to go with this pregnancy. But we feel good about it. No regrets, no guilts.
PS: For those who want to know, I am almost 14 weeks along.
The post This is It appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.