Peach Jam

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on

I slaved over my peaches this weekend making jam. I had to act quick. Mold was setting in, and I had to throw out about 10 peaches. So, with sweat dripping from my hot kitchen, I peeled then pureed then canned 20 jars. A mistake I learned…don’t make three batches at a time. The fruit pectin doesn’t set well and my jam turned out a little runny. Or maybe because I pureed it (my kids don’t like chunks). Either way it tastes so good. I added a pinch of nutmeg. Yum. And come to think of it, I actually like how it’s a little runny. It tastes good as an ice cream topper or syrup. I used half-pint jars for giveaways.

To make a fabric jam topper: cut a 6-inch square of old fabric. Fold your fabric square into half, and then fold it into half again. Cut along the open edge in an arched shape, creating the outline of a quarter circle. Center the fabric over the jar and place a rubber band over the fabric. I like to use newspaper elastics. You could wrap ribbon around the jar to make it tighter and add a little detail. Either way, homemade jam always makes a nice gift.

{I miss my camera. Still in the shop}

The post Peach Jam appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.

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