Setting Yearly Goals is Something I do Every Year. Here are a few of My Goals for 2021

Welcome 2021! I am ready for you! The last week of 2020 was refreshing, and I enjoyed the week spending time with my family. I turned social media off, and only got on a few times during the week. My computer was shut off the entire week! Such a good way to enter 2021 energized and ready to get back to work! We spent the day yesterday sitting down with our children going of their goals. It was great to see where they want to focus their time and energy and the ambitions they have in their life. We were able to counsel and direct them. Then I had a chance to sit down and write down my goals for 2021. I feel like it’s a year of re-dos? Anyone else with me? Last year’s goals were a wash from the pandemic, so I feel like 2021 may be the year to make up lost time. I am praying this it will be a happy and positive year! Here are my top 8 goals for 2021.
- Tackle a New Career Path–one thing I will say that I did complete in 2020, was I ended up getting my real estate license! Its been something I have wanted to do for a long time, but I haven’t been able to find the time to go to school because of my children’s schedule. Once the lockdown hit in March last year, my busy daily schedule ended up being a very quiet schedule. That’s when I thought I’d tackle a long goal of mine to getting my real estate. I’m excited to see where this next year will lead me! I will definitely still be blogging and managing my shop so please continue to stop by! I hope to be blogging more about house decor and tips this year.
- Tackle more House Projects–one goal of mine from 2020 was to tackle more house projects. Well, that goal of mine was put on the back burner. We unfortunately did not have a year of renovations. We have so many projects we want to complete like a laundry room makeover, pulling up the carpet in our attic and adding wood floors and renovating our master bathroom. We will see what we can completed. We were able to complete my daughter’s bedroom and my son’s bedroom last year.
- Daily Spiritual Hour–I picked up this habit the middle to end of last year where I would get up an hour before my family and mediate, pray and read my scriptures. It was so enlightening and revelatory! I loved the way my day started out especially during a year when life was just so depressing. But doing an hour of daily spiritual enlightening was what kept me on a spiritual high and would find joy in my daily trails. I hope to keep this habit and goal up throughout 2021.
- Take my daily supplements and vitamins–As I am getting older, I’ve noticed that my joints hurt, I have more body pains and even hair loss. I am eager this year to stay up on my daily supplements and vitamins and find a good routine.
- Make sure to stretch every day–Because of my body pains and tight muscles, I have noticed that I need to add stretching to my daily workouts. So my goal is to add at least 10-20 minutes of stretching at the end of my daily workouts. Check out 10 Weight Loss Workout Tips.
- Get Back on My Macros Diet–A few years ago I was eating a macros diet and I had the best metabolism. My body was humming and was a burn machine. I was able to get into a lot of pants and skirts I hadn’t seen in a long time! I’m eager to get back into a macros diet routine and loose my 2020 weight! This is an awesome book for macros diet!
- Be More Social with Friends–Obviously 2020 made it very difficult to hang out with friends. I feel like it was a year away from them and I miss them! I miss being social. This year I’d like to get back to being social with friends–either going out to lunch or girls night. Even if it is just grabbing lunch with one friend, I’d be happy with even that!
- Continue to Find Meaningful Moments with Family–one thing we probably all gained during 2020 was the extra time spent with family. The positive note from 2020 was family time! I loved it, and I want to be able to keep and continue to cherish those family moments through out 2021.

The post My Goals for 2021 appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.