Happy Birthday Stella!

Posted by darlingdarleenadmin on

Happy Birthday to my beautiful little merry sunshine–Stella Jane! She is three years old. Today, I reflected back to the day when she was born, and honestly the first thing I thought was how terrible my labor and delivery was. It was so bad that I swore to myself that I was never going to have another baby. I hate to say it, but it was my closest thing to death. Thankgoodness for drugs because I felt like I got a glimpse of what some of the pioneer women had to suffer through during child birth. Anyway, after she was born and after I got through my baby blues (yes, I was emotionally recovering from this terrible delivery–okay maybe there is still some emotions), I realized that all the pain and suffering was definitely worth it. Stella had such a tender, sweet spirit (and still does, of course). A little newborn who would love to cuddle, good sleeper, patient, dainty, easy crying cues and just loveable. When my Mom came out to help out, she kept telling me that she was the “perfect” newborn and how lucky I was. After having Lucas, I can now attest to that. It’s been so fun watching her grow, and we are so grateful and feel lucky to have her apart of our family. So here’s some pictures of our baby.

First Birthday:

2nd Birthday

The post Happy Birthday Stella! appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.

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