Sometimes when a season ends, I do a quick evaluation of what I need to do more of that I didn’t do the previous season (or year). For Fall, I would like to do more at-home facials and yoga. I used to do mini-facials at least a few times a week whether it is masks, steaming, deep cleansing (a nice way of saying picking all my blackheads), face massaging. A little extra attention to the face would definitely help create a glow during the cold, winter months. Anti-aging facials are just one type of facials that I have heard of which sounds pretty interesting! So if I do decide to visit a spa, that would probably be something I would get done.
Another thing I would like to start doing more of is yoga. I use to do yoga at least three times a week. Ever since I had Lucas, it’s been put on the back burner. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but somehow I’ve got to squeeze it in. Since excessive running, my muscles are so tight. And since I’m only getting older, those downward-facing dogs and neck-stands would only help to make me look younger longer (I hope).
{via Martha Stewart and Glamour}
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