This time around I’m making a huge change in my babycare skills and switching my brand of conventional disposable diapers over to eco-friendly diapers. This is what happens when you read up on the chemicals and plastics used in disposable diapers, and the long-term harm they can have to your baby. Fingers crossed that my other three children will be okay (*wink*). Like most moms, I always like to try and give the best to my children and protect them from any harm so it’s worth a try to me.
I’m not expert in eco-friendly diapers and have only done minimal research on what is the best. But I just bought a newborn size of Nature Babycare biodigradable diapers–recommended by a friend. I read that there are no plastics, dioxins or gel absorbents and use corn-base materials. I’ll keep you posted on how they work!
Another biodegradable diaper that is more easy access (whole foods, trader joes and some grocery stores) is
Seventh Generation. I’ve heard they do contain chemical gel absorbents and tend to leak. But these might be good when traveling.
G Diaper is a hybrid diaper (cloth and disposable). Such a cool concept! Cloth on the outside and liner inserts that are flushable. But I also read that they contain chemical gel absorbents and are the worst to hold in the leaks and very expensive.
Cloth diapers, of course, are the best–easy on the wallet, earth friendly, good-bye diaper rashes, free of chemicals. Drawback–time consuming and who has time these days! But it doesn’t mean you can’t have a few around the house. I think I’m going to buy some for my 72-hour kits and the numerous times that I realized I just used my last diaper.
My girlfriend Katie, who is having her first baby,told me about
GroVia cloth diapers. I think I’m going to pick up a few of these because the reviews were good and they are adjustable.
Another cloth diaper that has the adjustable snaps is
Fuzzi Bunz. They come in a bunch of cute colors.
What’s your take on Eco-friendly diapers? Or got any diaper recommendations?
The post Eco-friendly Diapers appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.
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