Today has not been a very good day, and I’m tried and exhausted from all the chaos. This week is going to be a long one. But we did have a really fun weekend. Saturday was super busy. We started off the day at our church Easter egg hunt. It was a lot of fun as usual with a lot of eggs to be hunted for. Of course the weather was a little nippy–so no Easter dresses were had. One of the older children at the egg hunt felt bad that Stella only had so many eggs and gave her a few to fill her basket up. Seriously, when they say “go”–it’s really hard to catch those eggs. Lucas was content with his one egg he picked up as long as he could eat the candy. Then it was off to the children’s museum for some playtime with daddy. We have a season’s pass now, so we have to make good use. After which, naptime and since Seth was home I was able to take Stella out for some one-on-one Easter shopping. Then we headed to a birthday party and lastly ended the day playing at the park until the sun went down. I love long days. You get so much done!
The post Easter Egg Hunt appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.