Happy 11 year Anniversary! Remember this picture? This was our first picture that we took together. I think we were rolling around in the leaves or something. I like how my nose is smashed up on your cheek and you’ve got this blank expression. Anyway, we’ve had quite the adventure–good times and bad. Sometimes I miss the days when it was just you and me. Don’t get me wrong…I love our children. But I have fond memories of the many, many years when it was just you and me. You remember a few:
all the fun road trips we went on blasting our music, midnight $1 shows at the movie theater, listening to local bands and dancing our hearts out, scrounging up loose change around the house and head to the ice cream store, mountain biking almost every day in the summer and snowboarding every weekend in the winter, you cooking special dinners for me, gathering our “homies” and playing ultimate freesbie until the moon came out, going to art galleries and strolling leisurely. And I admit it–there are times that I miss the brutal five-day backpacking trips you would take me on multiple times during the summer.
But hey! We still have fun. And we’ve been blessed with three beautiful, healthy children that complete us. I’m glad we’ve made it a priority to have a date night every week–no matter what. It definitely keeps the excitement going. Can’t wait for tonight when you take me salsa dancing!

The post Dear Honey… appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.
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