I have a super hero who saves me from completely falling apart. He has become very handy in time of need especially very recently. And, of course saves my day. I bat my eyes in appreciation. I feel so lucky to have a super hero who will take the time and play barbies and dolls, change dirty diapers, cook dinner, work with his hands around the house and complete his “honey-do” list, spend a whole day ALONE entertaining two rambunctious kids then bathing and reading and putting those two rambunctious kids to bed. Of course the list goes on with too many to count. But I do REALLY like my super hero.(This is Lucas’s batman costume that my girlfriend Alison made for him for Christmas. As you can tell we’ve been having a lot of fun with it.)
The post Damsel in Distress appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.