Can I just say how much a LOVE this child? I love, love, LOVE her. I just need to put her on a little pedestal right now and remark how lucky I am to be the mother of this sweet little girl. How did I get such a sweet one when I know I was a naughty one? Stella has such a sensitive, compassionate heart. She is always so concerned about other children, strangers, her brother, daddy, me–even cartoon characters. At such a tender age, she is always looking out for other people. There have been a few times that her preschool teacher has told me that Stella will stop what she is doing and help console an upset classmate by getting them a tissue or drink of water or just telling them that everything will be okay. Stella is a very good listener and trys so hard to do what is right. She doesn’t like to let me down and is very mindful of obeying rules. I must say that the sticker chart is going very well. She’s been eagerly helping me around the house and taking on new chores. She is full of energy and life. Her little light is contagious. I love to see her love of going to church and learning and her reverence. She loves to be around other people and is my little social butterfly. She sings really well and often reminds me of words I forget. My list can go on and on. I’ve rambled enough. But it needed to be said. Today was a good day. Stella is my star.
The post Blessed Child appeared first on Darling Darleen | A Lifestyle Design Blog.