five whole months old.
My newborn is now a baby and growing too quickly. please stop Miss Chloe. She is very curious of her little world and trying to get a taste of it…through her mouth. She just learned how to focus and grab and everything goes straight for her little tongue. “Yummy, huh?”–is what I always ask her. She is a mellow baby….when she is being held or given full attention. Here’s a few other things going on in Chloe’s life:
1. She can now flip over to one side…but can’t flip back over. I always get concerned when she goes to sleep because she will flip over and she’s still not quite good with lifting her head.
2. She has a sweet relationship with older brother Lucas. She puts a big smile on her face everytime she sees or hears him. And he just adores her.
3. Her other older brother Jackson despises her. THAT is a whole other story!
4. She loves me so much and only wants me to hold her. A little hard when she doesn’t want to be held by anybody else.
5. She STILL is sleeping in a bassinet and doesn’t have a proper bedroom.
6. She is really good with blowing her raspberries. Bib, please!
we adore our Miss Chloe…except for a little boy whose world has been rocked since her arrival.
Chloe is wearing:
vintage cardigan (circa 2004 when Stella was a baby)
Gap blouse
Calvin Klein denim jeans (gift from Amy B)
Freshly Picked metallic moccasins (gift from Ashley G)
And I’ve had a few people ask me how to keep these little bows on a baby without hair. The secret is corn syrup! It works like a charm. Put a sizable dab on the bow and then place on the baby’s head. Corn syrup doesn’t dry. It stays sticky which is what you want. It keeps it stuck to the baby’s head. Hair gel will not work because it hardens after a while and then the bow falls off.
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